And we mist you until you came and brightened our Meadows! <throws chocolate kiss to Meadow from chandelier>
a while back i posted a request for help with some research.
several people offered to help, including nathan who i eventually emailed.
And we mist you until you came and brightened our Meadows! <throws chocolate kiss to Meadow from chandelier>
this won't stop all of them, but it will slow them down.. .
gary north's reality check .
issue 118 february 20, 2002 .
Texas has a $3 deal where you can put your name on a list and they can't call you. It's totally stopped all the calls to our house. When we did get calls, though, either a nice sports whistle or saying "hold on", putting the phone down, and letting them wait usually was a nice revenge. But that gets old. Remember the Seinfeld show where Jerry Seinfeld said he couldn't talk at the present moment, but asked for the telemarketer's home phone number so he could call him later that evening? Heh.
Thanks for sharing the number ... I'm sure they'll be getting many calls from this group... heheheh.
i just received a magazine in the mail titled : answer magazine.
it must come from some born again christians and i have an idea who had it forwarded to me.... .
one article is : what's so scary about submission ?
im not sure if i was married to a psycho or not and am wondering if anyone else has had a similar experience with their ex.
weve been divorced for 2-1/2 years and have had our ups and downs.
because shes a diehard jw and doesnt have grounds to get re-married i get an ear full from her blah...blah.. anyway, one minute shes like "its terrible that i have to wait for you to get married before i can" and then this past weekend she calls me to talk.
im not sure if i was married to a psycho or not and am wondering if anyone else has had a similar experience with their ex.
weve been divorced for 2-1/2 years and have had our ups and downs.
because shes a diehard jw and doesnt have grounds to get re-married i get an ear full from her blah...blah.. anyway, one minute shes like "its terrible that i have to wait for you to get married before i can" and then this past weekend she calls me to talk.
Hey Scully! You just got me to thinking, and that is a lifetime achievement.. heheh. What *is* the Society's position <grin> on phone sex and hot computer monkey love? Sorry... not trying to hijack the thread.. just curious!
One Psycho Country Girl
<swings on chandelier and grins at chatterboxes>
i'm just curious.. if a person is searching for god.. and they pray for someone to help them.. why would the jw's say that only those people who are baptized have their prayers heard from god?
i don't understand this.
if you are just a regular person on the street... and you pray that god answers your prayers.. and then the jw's come to your door.. but at the same timegod only answers prayers from jw's.. how can that be?
I'm just curious.
If a person is searching for God.. and they pray for someone to help them.. why would the JW's say that ONLY those people who are baptized have their prayers heard from God? I don't understand this. If you are just a regular person on the street... and you pray that God answers your prayers.. and then the JW's come to your door.. but at the same timeGod ONLY answers prayers from JW's.. how can that be? I don't get it...
i remember baking in the hot sun, with the outdoor district conventions.
the only thing i liked about them was lunch time.
back in the day, then i could grab the little coupons, ten to a page, each worth 10 cents.
I only remember the sessions going on until 6 at night. What is the end point these days? They are asking SO MUCH of the R&F these days: support us by buying the literature... going out on your OWN TIME to regain your money back.. and then dropping it into the contribution box for the "worldwide work." What kinda shit is that? The R&F don't know what to believe these days.. one doctrine, ytou get one hundred million versions of it.. nobody knows what to believe. This religion is being supported ONLY by the R&F.
I hated assemblies. Absolutely HATED them. Sittin there for hours and hours with my four brothers.. having to watch all of them.. because as a good JW wife, my Mother shucked her responsibilities onto her oldest child and I had to watch and babysit all my little brothers.. all four of them.. and I was 9, while she preached the Kingdom. My Mom figured that I could take on the role of SuperMom at this point. She sucked.. But I did what I had to do. I watched all of them. Else, who else was gonna take care of em? Not her. I made sure they all behaved.. I made sure they all had food, clothing, etc. The way I did that was making sure my Dad felt guilty if they didn't have a tie, or suit, or soemthing for the meetings. I made my Dad feel guilty if they didn't have food for the week. I am NOT kidding you, my Mother was the Super Pioneer of the Century and she absolutely felt that the whole family had to revolve around her disgusting role in this cult. My whole life was lost to takin care of HER responsibilities.
She was so involved with the KINGDOM MINISTRY.. that Screw all the children she made.. she was gonna preach the Kingdom for God's sake! Or ELSE. That's how it was.
i remember baking in the hot sun, with the outdoor district conventions.
the only thing i liked about them was lunch time.
back in the day, then i could grab the little coupons, ten to a page, each worth 10 cents.
And everyone wonders why JWs are not "the happiest people on Earth."
No one that is unfree is happy. People need to be free to be happy. With the JW's, you are told what to wear, how to act, what to say, what to do, what to believe, what not to believe. You are pestered with fear. Fear is a very detrimental emotion to the human psyche. You fear natural human emotions like passion, laughing, desire, joy... all the good things of life.. because you feel like having these emotions makes you LESS of a Witness. To have these emotions shows that you are enjoying, too entirely, your life in the world as it is. No Witness wants to see you have these emotions, because to do that would show that you are enjoying this world too much, and NO ONE wants to be part of THIS world.. YECK!
The only good memories I have of the Witnesses is the times that we were free. The times that we went skating, just the kids, and just did kid stuff. The times we had park picnics and we all played volleyball. Wasn't and couldn't that be portrayed as an exercise in serving God? God makes all the animals play and have fun. And rejoice in their lives. They do their stuff like mating, setting up for the winter, gathering food... and still they manage to have fun! All animals i have ever seen LOVE to have fun.. but after they do their main stuff... like finding a mate, mating a mate.. and raising their children.. but in all between it.. they have a blast. Life is joy... God meant for us to live our lives with joy.. and I'll be damned if some religon is gonna put the kibosh on it!
I truly believe that God has a sense of humour and fun.. else where would we get it? We see all the animals exhibit it.. he didn't mean for us to sit in five hours of meetings a week and talk about philosophy.. he MADE ths life... and he made us to LOVE it, and he made us to LIVE IT.
what an eye opener!
it seems that a lot of folks really spend some amazing cash on food.
our family of five spends $50-$60/week.
A few other ideas I've tried using to save $:
Turkey as a substitute for hamburger.
Use unprocessed ingredients as often as possible. Take a day per month to make up large batches of favorite foods and freeze in dinner size plastic packets.
Use fruits and veggies that are in season. Buy large quantities and freeze if a special sale comes up.
Grow an herb garden in containers on the patio, and use instead of salt and butter.
Buy in bulk such things as rice, flour, beans, dried fruits and nuts.
Coupons, of course.
Scratch and dent markets. =)
hey, .
ive been on other sites, and i am a disfellowshipped witness dropping in to say hi, wanted to say that i have noticed that there have been 30 more anointed that have bit the cracker...and drunk the wine .anyone know how the gb is explaining this one?
thought the numbers would be going down , from how i was the gb hoping no one will notice this , or will they be sending assassins to help lower that number?.